Who Are The Church of Brethren?
In the New Testament, the word “brethren” describes a community of men and women who chose another way of living: the way of Jesus. The Church of the Brethren, begun three centuries ago in Germany, still draws people who want to continue Jesus’ work of faithfulness and loving service.
Though the Brethren as a group have existed for three hundred years, we subscribe to no formal “creed” or set of rules or beliefs. We say that the New Testament is our creed and as a result we simply try to do what Jesus did and live as he lived.

Jesus brought a message of life, love, and hope. But he offered much more than inspiring words: He understood that people’s spiritual needs also include day-to-day human ones — food, health, rest, comfort, friendship, and unconditional acceptance. “I am the way,” he told his followers. He showed them how to trust, how to care, and how to help.
Steadily, lovingly, even radically, Jesus went about saving the world — by serving its people. Because we believe his message, we seek to do the same: peacefully, simply, and together.
For more information about The Church of the Brethren, visit www.brethren.org or visit us next Sunday!